Finding Meaning

寻找意义Finding Meaning

六/6:发现意义。本次南京大学艺术展览由Andrea Baldini,Pietro Rivasi和艺术学院的学生参与策划。本展览由南京大学国际合作与交流处慷慨赞助。
六/6: Finding Meaning. A Nanjing University art exhibition curated by Andrea Baldini, Pietro Rivasi, and the students of the School of Arts. Generously sponsored by the Office of International Cooperation & Exchanges of Nanjing University.

这个世界已经发生了变化。我们可以感知、呼吸、看到这种变化。一个看不见的敌人和它的军队狂风骤雨般无声的侵袭了这个世界,向人类宣战,宣告 COVID-19 对 世界的统治。这次疫情夺走了我们很多东西:无数的生命,我们与所爱之人的联系,我们的自由,公共活动的快乐,我们的学校,我们的酒吧,我们的工作和我们的城市。我们失去了正常的生活,我们失去了联系。面对 这些失去的东西,我们悲痛万分。

The world has changed. We feel it. We breath it. We see it. An invisible oppressor and its silent army have taken the world by storm, declaring war to the human kind and proclaiming the reign of the COVID-19. The pandemic took away many things from us: Way too many lives, the touch of our loved ones, our freedom, the joy of being in public, our schools, our bars, ours jobs, and our cities. We have lost our normalcy. We have lost our connections. We are grieving those losses. The exhibition is a journey through our grief, in search of meaning.

情感时间表Emotional Timeline


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The first room, entitled “Emotional Timeline,” artistically interprets the time development of the pandemic. The data bending technique manipulates stock market fluctuations since the spreading of the virus. Our emotions influence how we perceive time, thus transforming the objective temporal sequence of capital exchange into something personal, which can’t be counted but only felt through.



第二个房间名为 DABDA,是一个情绪化的房间。它通过学生个人选择的词语和图像分别探讨悲伤的前五个阶段。每个部分均包含6件物品——其中“6”是意义的最后阶段,在学生的经验中,这些物品与“否认”;“愤怒”;“讨价还价”;“沮丧”和“接受”(DABDA)有关。

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The second room, entitled DABDA, is an emotional room. It explores individually the first 5 stages of grief through the words and images selected by students. Each section includes 6 artifacts – as 6 is the final stage of meaning – that, in students’ experiences, are associated with Denial; Anger; Bargaining; Depression; and Acceptance: DABDA.




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The third room, entitled “6,” is the key environment of the exhibition, hosting the works of an international group of artists dedicated to the pandemic. This is where, metaphorically and metonymically, we find meaning, that is, we find ways to make sense of our losses that can lead somewhere new and significant.