Collettivo FX&Reve +

Zhong Jia Chen

Wei Ya Lin

Zhong Qiuyue

Zhang Shen

Wan Li Xing

Yao Xiao

Lin Yixian
Lin Yixian

Lin Yixian
Yu Shuangxing

Chen Li
Chen Li

Deng Yi Qing
Deng Yi Qing

Deng Yi Qing
Huang Zhuo Jing
Huang Zhuo Jing

Huang Zhuo Jing

Chen Chen

Lin Zheng
We prefer not to define these drawings as artworks, but rather as “moments of dialogue” in which instead of using words, drawing becomes the language of use, more suitable for expressing non-rational sensations and for overcoming any linguistic barrier.
Finding meaning in the artwork
Collettivo FX 和 Reve+ 创作了一组名为“在绘画中交流”的开放性图画。他们的草图为与参加本次展览的南京大学学生的合作提供了一个起点。学生们将原创的元素添加到他们的设计中。他们起初的绘画包括简单而未完成的图像,例如:一只熊猫的头,一个只有半张脸被画出来的人,一个拿着布告板的人和其他的图像。它们都是用简单的线条来画的。随后,学生们通过手绘或电子设备来添加一些线条、图形、颜色。这些丰富的绘画将会反馈给艺术家进行最后一轮修改。最后,原来的熊猫变成了一名侦探,只画了一半脸的人正戴着口罩,布告牌上写着“相信我”,而拿着它的人变成了一名医生。
任何参加这个绘画游戏的人实际上都和艺术家们进行了一次无声的交谈。以表达并分享他们对这种流行病的反应。Collettivo FX 将他们在封锁期间随着时间推移而产生的情绪投注到了草图绘制上。尽管起初他很喜欢待在家做一些有趣的事情,例如阅读。很快他就因为被封锁和限制而沮丧。每天都有人离去。由于意大利正在处于封锁状态,文化领域一直都处在风险之中。
他们并不是第一次使用“在绘画中交流”这个方式。他们 8年前就提出了这个想法。在封锁时期,这个项目拥有了新的意义。总的来说,绘画提供了一种通用的表达方式,可以跨越不同的语言和方言的边界。但是处于 “社交距离”的时间,面对面交流是非常困难的,但通过分享和传播图画,人们找到了讲述自身故事的方式。
没有使用言语,“在绘画中交流”却在和我们的心灵和思想对话。就履行的功能上来讲,这些作品和我们在史前洞穴(例如阿尔塔米拉和拉斯科)中发现的洞穴画起到了相同的作用。在没有书面文字的时候,视觉的交流是在没有面对面交流的情况下,记录,记录和传达信息的唯一途径。史前绘画不是为了创造一种艺术形式,其目的在于表达意义,而不仅仅是创造漂亮的形式。 这也许是 Collettivo FX 和 Reve + 的项目中最深刻的教诲。
By Yu Shuangxing and Lin Zheng
Italian artists Collettivo FX and Reve+ created a group of open drawings named DisegniComuniCanti (Communicating Drawings). Their sketches have provided a jumping off point for a collaboration with NJU students participating in this exhibition. Students added original elements to their designs. Their original drawings included simple and uncompleted images such as the head of a panda, a man with only half of his face depicted, a man holding a placard. They were all in black and white. Then, students added some further lines, graphics, colors either by hand or through the use of digital technologies. Drawing so enriched were returned to the artists for a final round of modifications. At the end of this process, the panda turned into a detective, the man with only half of his face depicted was then wearing a mask, the placard was carrying the words ‘trust me,’ while the man holding it turned into a doctor.
Anyone who joined the project actually had a silent conversation with the artists, in the attempt to express and share their reactions to the pandemic. Collettivo FX poured into their sketches their emotions as they had experienced them as time during the lockdown was going by. Though enjoying at first the possibility to stay at home while engaging in pleasurable activities such as reading, Collettivo FX started to be soon depressed by the lockdown and its limitations. People were dying. With Italy in lockdown, the future of the cultural sector was and still is at stake.
“Drawing provides us with a universal form of expression, which can cut across the borders of different languages and dialects”
This is not the first time that Collettivo FX and Reve+ have used the method of Communicating Drawings. They came up with this idea 8 years ago. During the lockdown, this project acquired a new significance. In general, drawing provides us with a universal form of expression, which can cut across the borders of different languages and dialects. But at the time of social distancing, face-to-face communication has become virtually impossible, but by sharing and circulating their sketches, people can find ways to tell their stories.
Though wordless, DisegniComuniCanti speak to our hearts and minds. In fulfilling their function, these works resemble cave paintings that we can find in prehistoric caves such as those of Altamira and Lascaux. At the time where the written word did not exist, visual communication was the only way to document, record, and convey a message in the absence of face-to-face communication. A form of art that certainly wasn’t created for its own sake, prehistoric painting was about expressing meaning rather than just creating beautiful forms. And this is perhaps the deepest lesson of Collettivo FX’s and Reve+’s project.
Collettivo FX & Reve +
Reve + 自 2010年以来一直活跃于瑞吉欧(Reggio Emilia)小镇的街头。他的作品致力于把各种种类的动物带到城市的街道与建筑之间。在封锁期间他非常的开心:实际上许多的狍子、野猪、狐狸、鸟类、狼等都开始悄悄地回到我们的街道上;现在一切都和以前一样了,他们也再次开放了狩猎。
Collective FX自 2010年以来一直活跃于瑞吉欧(Reggio Emilia)的街头。他们把长棍、滚筒和对话作为他们主要的工具。他们用长棍和滚筒来创作图像,以对话作为他们图像创作的内容;实际上对话是一种非常重要的社交工具,你可以用它来建立与社会领域之间的联系。
Collettivo FX 和 Reve +自2011年以来合作至今。
Reve + has been active in the streets of Reggio Emilia since 2010; his work aims to bring all kinds of animals to the cities, between the streets and buildings. During the lockdown he was very happy: in fact many roes, wild boar, foxes, birds, and wolves started to quietly walk in our streets; now everything is as before and they also opened the hunt.
Collective FX. Active in the streets city of Reggio Emilia since 2010. They use rods, rollers and dialogue as their main tools. With the first two, they build images. With the third one, they create the content; in fact, dialogue is a very important social tool that allows you to create a relationship with the territory.
Collettivo FX and Reve + have been collaborating since 2011.