Emotional Timeline
The graph illustrates the stock market fluctuation in China from December 31, 2019 to May 31, 2020. The red bars represent Shanghai A Stocks Index:The higher the number, the longer the line. Shanghai A Stocks Index reveals the day to day stock prices of all the Chinese public-listed companies in Shanghai Stock Exchange Centre. The yellow bars represent the Stock Return Rate: The left direction means negative (loss) and the right direction means positive (gains). The Stock Return Rate is the ratio of net stock incomes to the average stockholder’s equity, which basically represents the profits on the stock investments.

2019年 12月 30日
December 30, 2019
The starting point
By Cheng Jianfang
Wuhan Health Committee Releases “Emergency Notice on Treating Pneumonia of Unknown Causes”. Unfortunately, this document is not available in electronic form.
My reaction: It seems that there is something serious happening. I’m just curious about what is going to happen.
2019年 12月 31日
December 31, 2019
By Huang Zhuojing
New Year’s Eve was the day I first heard about the corona virus, which at that time was called “unknown Wuhan pneumonia”. It was my friend in Wuhan who told me that she read a news on Weibo that day: It was saying that few people had been showing symptoms of an unknown variety of pneumonia and she was a little bit worried. I didn’t really think about it that much because I thought it was just another kind of seasonal flu.
2020年 1月 22日
January 22, 2020
By Huang Zhuojing
This was the day when I left Nanjing to go back to my hometown for winter vacation. That was the time when some people, including me, started to realize that something wasn’t quite right: What we saw on the internet about Wuhan and what we heard from our friends or families in Hubei Province was not comforting. Although I decided to to wear a mask while traveling, I still took it off sometimes. It was at times too suffocating during an 8-hour train. I kept thinking things like “I won’t be so unlucky to catch the virus” or “It’s dangerous just around Wuhan.” But deep down I was quite worried and sort of panicking.
2020年 01月 23日
January 23, 2020
Wuhan lockdown
By Cheng Jianfang
Wuhan Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Releases No.1 Circular, and the document can be accessed at http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2020-01/23/content_5471751.htm
My reaction: I returned to Chongqing from Nanjing via Wuhan on January 12. The train I took stayed in Wuhan for half an hour. There were a lot of people getting on the train in Wuhan. Even worse, I didn’t wear masks. After I got home, I did not dare to go out. I was very afraid of being infected, and I was also afraid of infecting others, but fortunately I was not infected.
January 23, 2020
Stock Market Decline
By Yang Xinyun
The Shanghai Stock Market was closed due to Chinese New Year holiday on Jan.23, 2020, the day that Wuhan declared its lockdown at 10am. The stock market had not yet reflected the influence of Covid-19 when it closed. However, on Feb.03, 2020, the first day of stock market opens after Chinese New Year, the index dropped ~240 (-7.8%) in reaction to Covid-19.
Reaction: I remembered the day after Wuhan lockdown: My friends who still didn’t think that the Covid-19 was horrible, started to take it seriously. With my classmates, we began to discuss how the stock market would possible go down after Chinese New Year, and we started to think that perhaps it was a good time to start investing. At that time, we were only worried about how this virus would influence the market and what strategies can be taken to counteract such a negative impact. We were still optimistic about this virus and its lasting, but none of us thought it would evolve into a pandemic.
2020年 1月 24日
January 24, 2020
In my hometown
By Cheng Jianfang
My hometown, Chongqing, launched the first-class response to major public health emergencies, and the document can be accessed at http://www.cq.gov.cn/zwxx/jrcq/202001/t20200125_4785639.html
My reaction: At this time, the epidemic situation has spread almost all over the country. The document mentioned in the previous paragraph requires to restrict or stop fairs, assemblies, theatrical performances and other crowd gathering activities; to stop work, to suspend business and classes; to closed or seal public drinking water sources, food and related items contaminated by infectious disease pathogens, etc. Since I can only stay at home and can’t go out because of these restrictive measures, I really don’t have to worry about being infected. However, I still pray for people in other places, hoping that the epidemic situation can be controlled as soon as possible and that everyone is safe and healthy. Sometimes I get very angry when I see news on the Internet that some people do not listen to public advices and have to go out.
2020年 2月
February, 2020
Excited to be with family at home
By Lin Yixian
It’s been a long time since I’ve been with my parents for so long. Now the school says that the beginning of the semester will be delayed. I’m very excited because I can spend more time with my parents and stay with them, and what does the school say about the online courses?
2020年 2月 2日
February 2, 2020
By Huang Zhuojing
The Huoshenshan Hopital, dedicated solely to people infected by COVID-19, was built this day. During the last two weeks, I had been reading different people talking about their experience on the internet, especially people who stayed in Wuhan. I felt so helpless and distressed not just because I couldn’t do anything to make things better, but also because I spent the last four years in Wuhan for my Bachelor’s degree so I am so familiar with the city. This in turn made my feelings even stronger towards this pandemic.
2020年的 2月 3号和 2月 4号
February 3 and 4, 2020
By Yang Xinyun
The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) released ~RMB$170 billion into stock market on Feb.3 and Feb.4, 2020 to counteract the significant drops in stock market.
Reaction: The government and large businesses took actions to minimize the loss caused by stock market drops. Interfering with the financial market is a truly extraordinary action that the government has taken. After the effort made by government and companies, it appears that the stock market is under control. I felt unsure and worried in thinking about these uncertain times.
2020年 2月 7日
February 7, 2020
Anxious about whether to start school
By Lin Yixian
During the winter vacation, because the Chinese epidemic was severe, the school had not yet notified whether to return to school. At that time, I felt anxious. On the one hand, I was worried that returning to school would speed up the spread of the epidemic, making it difficult to control it. On the other hand, I would be lazy when at home. I’ll probably neglect the research that our teacher asked us to do.
2020年 2月 28日
February 28, 2020
Oil Market Impact
By Yang Xinyun
On Feb. 28, 2020, the Covid-19 has spread globally, the stock markets of Europe and US were going down. The Chinese oil market also went down 4.3% due to OPEC’s slow reaction to adjust the oil prices with respect to the global market. The Shanghai Stock Market has been influenced and showed a 3.7% decline.
Reaction: I felt anxious as the Covid-19’s global outbreak would significantly influence many different fields in finance and economy. The stock market is sensible to changes in financial markets. I cannot see the end of the Covid-19 pandemic in the short time: How would the market react to the Covid-19’s spreading?
从 2020年 3月 9日到 2020年 3月 18日
反应:震惊!对世界来说,这简直是历史时刻!美股在历史中只熔断过一次。肺炎期间的金融形势比金融危机还要严重。许多上市公司受到影响,他们的资产在短短几天内缩水严重。让人难以置信的场景! 我开始想,下面还会发生什么?还会更糟糕吗?Negative Oil 石油价格负数
From March 9 until March 18, 2020
Four Times Halts
By Yang Xinyun
As the Covid-19 outbreaks in North America, the US stock market halts 4 times in 10 days from March. 09, 2020 to March 18, 2020. The Shanghai Stock Market dropped along with US stock market.
Reaction: Shocked!What a historic moment for the world! The US stock market halted only once in the past. The economic situation is worse during the pandemic than it has been during times of financial crisis. Many publicly listed companies have been affected and their market value decreased significantly in just few days. Unbelievable scene! I wondered what would happen next. Could it get even worse?
2020年 3月 15日
March 15, 2020
Hesitating about the future
By Lin Yixian
I am feeling confused and hesitant about the future. Data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China show that all industrial activities shrank significantly last February. The pandemic does not merely affect people’s health, but also economic growth.
2020年 4月
April, 2020
Worried friends and family separated abroad
By Lin Yixian
My sister is abroad, and she can only stay at home because of the epidemic. I am very worried about how she lived without any income during her quarantine period. Also, my best friend suffers from an anxiety disorder. He is also isolated abroad. Now he cannot work in the laboratory every day. He is very worried about his experiment and he is very anxious, and I am very worried about his emotions.
2020年 4月
April, 2020
It’s a pity that getting along with my family for too long will cause friction
By Lin Yixian
It’s been a long time since I’ve been at home for so many days, and I’m not used to it now. I often feel unnecessary friction with my parents, so I moved out and was a bit disappointed, and felt sorry. I thought it was a good opportunity to get along with my family.
2020年 4月 4日
April 4, 2020
We will remember you
By Cheng Jianfang
Announcement of the State Council: National Mourning Activities Held on April 4, 2020, and the document can be accessed by http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2020-04/03/content_5498489.htm
My reaction: We are paying tribute to the heroes who have sacrificed their lives for this epidemic and bidding farewell to the compatriots who lost their lives because of it. We will always remember you. The dead rest in peace, the living are still struggling.
April 4, 2020
By Huang Zhuojing
Although I had been hearing news about going back to school since the end of February, this time it seemed that we were really going back in two weeks or so. It looked that things were getting back to normal in Nanjing. Many shops started to reopen and you could see people going out again. However, we were told that even if we were going back to the school, we would have not been allowed to go outside freely: Online classes would have still continued. I was quite confused and worried at that time, thinking that perhaps it would have been better to just stay at home, since we were not actually going back to the classroom.
2020年 4月 4日
2020年 4月 8日
April 8, 2020
Wuhan is back
By Cheng Jianfang
Access to Wuhan has been reestablished, and the document can be accessed by http://www.hubei.gov.cn/zhuanti/2020/gzxxgzbd/zxtb/202003/t20200324_2189256.shtml
My reaction: We have survived the most difficult phase of the pandemic. Everything will restart: A new chapter, a new future are ahead of us. Winter dissipates and snow melts into grass and spring. And Wuhan comes back to a new spring.
2020年 4月 12日
在全球的石油市场惨淡时,2020年 4月 12日石油价格跌至负值。
反应:当我听到这个消息时真的太惊讶了。 我从来没有听说过石油相关的金融产品跌到过负数。这在我们的金融史上简直是一个新的 历史时刻。讽刺的说,我觉得这次新冠肺炎把很多不可能变成了可能。当这件事发生的时候,我的教授和同学们都无法不去讨论它,我们会去猜想它的后果以及对中国的影响,但是我不知道怎么解决。对于那些买了相关金融产品的人,我能体会到他们的绝望。
April 12, 2020
Negative Oil
By Yang Xinyun
In response to huge exchange contraction in its market, the price of oil dropped to negative on April.12, 2020.
Reaction: When I heard about this news, it surprised me. I never heard that oil related financial products can be negative. This is like another historical moment in our financial history. Ironically speaking, I feel that the Covid-19 has made the impossible possible. When this happened, my professors and friends can’t help but talk about it. I had many guesses about its consequence and impacts on China, but I had no clues about its solution. For people who bought such financial products, these are desperate times.
2020年 4月 27日
April 27, 2020
By Huang Zhuojing
We were finally told that we were going to keep doing online classes for the whole semester. If someone would have told me in February or March that the whole semester was going to be like this, I wouldn’t have believed it. But this is how things are, and we have to accept it. This was also the day when the U.S. had more than a million cases in total since the pandemic started. I saw someone on Chinese social media calling this virus an “American virus”, which made me really angry because this kind of hatred and discrimination shouldn’t have happened no matter where in the world.
2020年 5月 1日
May 1, 2020
By Yang Xinyun
In May, the Shanghai Stock Market kept stable trends. PBOC progressively announced supports to business entities by releasing more commercial loans, which assisted the cash flow of capital markets.
Reaction: Just like businesses and transportations are resumed in China, the stock market appears to be resumed as well. I found that we are recovering although the Covid-19 has not ended yet. Sometimes, I worried if we have to live with the virus in the future. But now, I see hopes because there is always a way to adapt.
2020年 5月 10日
May 10, 2020
The pandemic continues
By Cheng Jianfang
The risk level of Jilin Shulan is adjusted from medium risk to high risk, and the document can be accessed at http://wsjkw.jl.gov.cn/xwzx/xwfb/202005/t20200510_7205375.html
My reaction: Just when we thought that everything was going to be peaceful, the virus told us that it was still there, thus warning us not to relax our vigilance. Even now, I still try to avoid going out. If I have to go out, I will wear a mask no matter where I go.
2020年 5月 10日
May 10, 2020
By Huang Zhuojing
When many Chinese people thought the virus had been under control in China, some cities in the Northeast had announced that they were back at high risk level again. The feelings of being afraid of catching the virus came back to me again. This also reminded me that the virus hasn’t really gone away anywhere in the world.
2020年 6月 1日
June 1, 2020
Frustrated with the situation in some developing countries
By Lin Yixian
Across the globe, many are dying as a result of complications from COVID-19. However, economic concerns and risks of massive recession are also guiding the actions of governments. I feel so frustrated when hearing about these news. There is a paradox in economic development and disease prevention, especially in these developing countries: They need to choose between saving lives and economic prosperity.